Learning Style Survey
Learning Style Survey
Taking the Survey
- Click on the survey link (here or at the bottom of the page)
- Log in with your Carleton username and password.
- Read the survey instructions carefully and click on the Begin button at the bottom of the page.
- Read each question carefully, then select your immediate response on a scale of 0-4 (0 being Never True, and 4 being Always).
- When you have answered every question on each page, click the Continue button at the bottom. (IMPORTANT! Do not use your browser's Back and Forward buttons, or you will lose some of your answers!)The survey takes about 10-30 minutes to fill out. Once you reach the results page, you can print out a copy for your own reference.
Pausing/Retaking the Survey
If you find it necessary to stop taking the survey at any point, your answers can be saved by clicking the Save & Quit button at the bottom of the page.
To resume the survey, simply navigate to the survey's main page and click the Resume Survey button beneath the survey title.
Whether you have already completed the survey or only stopped to resume it, all previous answers can be erased and the survey can be retaken by clicking the Retake button at the bottom of the page. (IMPORTANT: By doing this, all previous answers will be permanently erased, and your feedback from the survey will be locked until the survey is completed again.)
Results (for faculty)
- Click on the link to the results page (here or at the bottom of the page)
- Log in with your Carleton username and password.
- Click on the tab for your desired search method (by Student, by Class, or All).
Searching by Student
- Type the Carleton username of the student whose results you would like to see into the search textbox (e.g. to search for John Doe, enter doej).
- Click Search Student.
- If you would like to print out these results, click the Print These Results button beneath the student's name.
Searching by Class
- Type the short name of the class you would like to search for into the search textbox (e.g. Russian 204, Section 1 in fall would become russ204-01-f09).
- Click Search Class.
- Results are output in table form: each student's results are shown as a row in the table, with their strengths in each area highlighted.
- If you would like to print out this data or use it in Excel or another spreadsheet program, click the Download to Spreadsheet button at the bottom of the page.
Searching All
- Click the Display All button.
- As with searching by class, results are shown in a table format, with each row being one student's results.
- The data can be imported into Excel or another spreadsheet program by clicking the Download to Spreadsheet button at the bottom of the page.