


NACELink and JAMs are hosted services provided by Symplicity Corporation. Local accounts are created and Shibboleth is used for authentication. Application support is provided by the vendor.

NACElink is a service offered by the Career Office to provide job search, interview tracking, career day management services. Brad Kmoch and Mike Hendel are the career office contact for the service.

JAMs is a judicial review management software used by the Dean of Students office, security, housing, etc. It's used to track student conduct issues. Julie Thornton in the Dean of Students office is the primary contact for this service.

NACElink (the Tunnel)


The Tunnel is available to all faculty, staff, undergraduates, and alumni via https://shibboleth-carleton.symplicity.com/sso/


This is a manual process. The script /usr/local/sysnet/sbin/nace_export.bash on the server idmprod.its.carleton.edu can be run to produce import files for undergraduates, facstaff, and alumni. We run the script and give the files to Brad Kmoch, who has admin rights in NACElink to perform this import.

As of June 2012, the Career Center would like an expanded import. Here is a draft of what those import attributes would be:



Person ID

Advance ID



First Name

Preferred first name/directory first name

Last Name

Preferred last name/directory last name


Local email address for student, faculty, staff; external email address for alumni

Magstripe ID

Current OneCard magstripe ID (used by students to identify themselves in the Career Center


Pipe-separated list of Academic subject areas of declared major, or "Undeclared" for undeclared undergraduates

Graduation date

June 15 of cohort year, e.g. 06/15/2012

Class year

Freshman (first-year?), Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Alum

Applicant type

Current Student, Alum, Faculty, Staff, based on primary affiliation

Is Faculty


Is Staff


Work Authorization

Based on Visa type. Get vocabulary from the NACElink application 1

Campus Address

Dorm information. What do we display for Northfield Option?

Permanent Address

Student permanent address as defined in Colleague

Cell Phone

(leaving as self-asserted)

Is Athlete

Based on conversations with Dean of Students

Is Pre-Law

Need to determine if this should be self-asserted or can be pulled from someplace else

Is Pre-Med

Need to determine if this should be self-asserted or can be pulled from someplace else

(1) Need to determine where this information can be sourced; presumably from Colleague.

JAMS (Advocate)


JAMS is available at http://go.carleton.edu/jams . Dave Flynn has Administrator rights.


A series of scripts on IDMProd (/usr/local/sysnet/jams/update_jams.sh and /usr/local/sysnet/jams/transferfiles.sh, run -manually-) updates the following

  • students accounts
  • student photos
  • a list of campus buildings

These scripts take three inputs:

  • JAMS-students.txt, from Avanti/Colleague data; contains student information, including course enrollment and address information
  • reason_buildings.txt, from Chicago; contains information about buildings and rooms, mostly to associate courses with teaching location
  • a slapcat dump in LDIF format of our LDAP tree, used to capture student photographs for the Advocate system

And produce three outputs:

  • buildings.tab: a tab-delimited list of building/room locations
  • pictures.zip: a zipped file containing raw .jpg photos, named by advance ID, for all Carleton students in the feed
  • students.tab: a tab-delimited file of student information, with a prepended header naming each field

Which are then SCPd (as the user 'jams' via pubkey auth, see idmprod:/home/jams/.ssh/) to the following address at Symplicity via /usr/local/sysnet/jams/transferfiles.sh:

  • carleton-jams.symplicity.com

Staff accounts must be created manually. JAMS uses advanceids passed by Shibboleth as the primary key, so when creating an account use that in the username field.


JAMS Support is provided by the vendor. New support cases are opened by emailing the following address: