Using Ka-Ching!

Using Ka-Ching!

The Most Important Things About Ka-Ching!

1) You need to use a OneCard's Schillers. You may never use cash.

2) You must use Station 1 to complete a Ka-Ching! purchase.

3) The best browser to use for Ka-Ching, is Firefox.

How to Use Ka-Ching!

Ka-Ching is the website we use to pay for student jobs that aren't submitted by a department. ALL students and faculty must pay using Schillers for private jobs.  They occasionally can use a department charge number instead, if they've checked with their department, so don't assume. Anyway, it's important to know, otherwise customers can't collect their personal media.

  1. In the middle of the bookmarks bar, is a link to PEPS Ka-Ching.
  2. The default "Ka-Ching" is the Department Charge Form.  Click on the Link at the top of the Page that says "switch to OneCard payment form."
  3. This link will bring you to this page:

4. Enter the appropriate information for their order.

5. Sales tax is automatically calculated*.*

6. Where it says "OneCard ID" you will then take their OneCard and swipe it through the card swipe-reader on the side of the monitor

The swiper looks like this:

Do it so that the front of the OneCard is facing you.

Swipe from top > down.Your completed page should look like this:

Print out this page... This is their receipt.

Congrats, you know how to use Ka-Ching!