The Most Important Things About Ka-Ching!
1) You need to use a OneCard's Schillers. You may never use cash.
2) You must use Station 1 to complete a Ka-Ching! purchase.
3) The best browser to use for Ka-Ching, is Firefox.
How to Use Ka-Ching!
Ka-Ching is the website we use to pay for student jobs that aren't submitted by a department. ALL students and faculty must pay using Schillers for private jobs. They occasionally can use a department charge number instead, if they've checked with their department, so don't assume. Anyway, it's important to know, otherwise customers can't collect their personal media.
- In the middle of the bookmarks bar, is a link to PEPS Ka-Ching.
- The default "Ka-Ching" is the Department Charge Form. Click on the Link at the top of the Page that says "switch to OneCard payment form."
- This link will bring you to this page:
4. Enter the appropriate information for their order.
5. Sales tax is automatically calculated*.*
6. Where it says "OneCard ID" you will then take their OneCard and swipe it through the card swipe-reader on the side of the monitor
The swiper looks like this:
Do it so that the front of the OneCard is facing you.
Swipe from top > down.Your completed page should look like this: