NACELink and JAMs are hosted services provided by Symplicity Corporation. Local accounts are created and Shibboleth is used for authentication. Application support is provided by the vendor.
NACElink is a service offered by the Career Office to provide job search, interview tracking, career day management services. Brad Kmoch and Mike Hendel are the career office contact for the service.
JAMs is a judicial review management software used by the Dean of Students office, security, housing, etc. It's used to track student conduct issues. Julie Thornton in the Dean of Students office is the primary contact for this service.
NACElink (the Tunnel)
The Tunnel is available to all faculty, staff, students, and alumni via
This is a manual process. The attached script relies on a slapcat dump of LDAP and then parses the results for a student, facstaff, and alumni import/updates. Brad Kmoch has admin rights in NACElink to perform this import.
JAMS (Advocate)
JAMS is available at . Dave Flynn has Administrator rights.
A series of scripts on Atlantis (/home/jams/ run nightly as root by /etc/crontab) updates the following
- students accounts
- student photos
- a list of campus buildings
Staff accounts must be created manually. JAMS uses advanceids passed by Shibboleth as the primary key, so when creating an account use that in the username field.
JAMS Support is provided by the vendor. New support cases are opened by emailing the following address: