OnBase - Combining documents

OnBase - Combining documents


There may be times when you have two (or more) documents in OnBase that really should be combined as one document.  These are the basic steps will allow you to do this:

  1. Open OnBase Unity Client
  2. Use Document Retrieval to open up both (or all being combined) of the documents so that you can see them next to each other
  3. In both documents, select the Image tab > Edit pages and you should now see something similar to the image in step 4 (click the images to enlarge)
  4. As illustrated in the following image, drag the pages you would like to go into a single document in the order that you would like them to be in
  5. Once the document has been combined to your liking, click 'Save and Close All'
  6. If you've removed all pages from a document to one single document you will not be able to save the document. What you will need to do is cancel changes and go back to the document in Retrieval to delete it, assuming you no longer need it after combining the page into a larger, multi-page document

For further information, please see the OnBase at Carleton home page.