ELFE - Elementary French Exericses
This bank of French questions was originally designed by Geoffrey R. Hope and James P. Pusack in 1995 in the Dasher authoring system for Macintosh OS 6.0.5. Dasher itself was designed by James P. Pusack, Sue K. Otto and PICS at the University of Iowa.
With permission, Carleton has taken the ELFE exercises through a number of technologies in order to make them available for use in the current age. We have used ELFE as stand-alone Hot Potatoes exercises with a custom-built tracking interface, then we took the Hot Potatoes and used them in our LMS using the Moodle Hot Potatoes module. Finally, we have converted ELFE to the Moodle Quiz format.
These exercises are provided freely to anyone who may want them. You need Moodle 2 + to use the Moodle Quiz formatted version. These files were created with Moodle 2.3.1 and there is no guarantee that they will work with earlier versions of Moodle 2. But you can try them and see how they work.
I've also posted the Moodle 1.9 version in the Hot Potatoes format. Within that zip file is all of the Hot Potatoes files, which are XML and can be relatively easily parsed to be converted to other formats. Carleton has not done this work, but if someone else wants to provide them in other formats, I'll be happy to link to them from here.
Moodle Instructions
Download the files linked to this page, but do not unzip or unpack them in any way. In your Moodle course site, choose Restore and follow the instructions for uploading these files and restoring them to your course.