Campus Spaces:
- Below are the spaces in the Weitz Center that PEPS usually does some sort of set-up for. Familiarize yourself with their locations.
- We technically service the whole campus in audio-visual support, however there are some locations that we service more frequently.
- A list of equipment in each of the rooms can be found here.
- All reservations for event spaces go through Noel Ponder (x7185) and event set-up requests can be found here on our website. Always refer a client to this link.
Weitz 235: The Interactive Classroom
- Students have christened this room "The Sandbox." For details on the room, what technology is available, and how to use it, visit this page.

Leighton 304 and 305:
LDC 104:
Boliou 104, Olin 141, 149:
Alumni Guest House Meeting Room:
- The Alumni Guest house is the other half of the Admissions building.
- If you walk in the main entrance, Admissions is to your right. The AGH meeting room is to your left.

Weitz 131

Weitz 236: Larson Family Meeting Room.

Sayles 251:

b. Event Spaces
Weitz Cinema

Weitz Theater:
- Beware: the Cinema and the Theater are not the same!!!
Library Athenaeum:
- Enter the library, turn to the left, and enter the first pair of doors you see.

c. Special Spaces
The Video Finishing Room: Weitz -1
- The Finishing Room may be reserved for personal projects, school assignments, Skype calls, and many other uses, all requests and reservations for this room must go through this page .
- If it is open and there are no pending reservations, anyone may use it--student or staff.

Skype Rooms:
- There are two "Skype rooms" on campus that are available for reservation or classroom use.
- Willis 114 and Weitz 008
- They can be reserved by clicking here.