In May 2018, ITS began sending monthly messages to Faculty and Staff announcing an upcoming software update. These updates are typically small, but essential to keeping Carleton computers healthy.
This schedule is a bit variable depending on holidays, start/end of term, etc.
Update History
2024.11 macOS and Windows Updates
2024.07 Adobe Account Migration
2024.06.27 SPSS Activation Codes
2024.06.04 Adobe License Reclamation Students
2024.05.31 Explain Everything Licenses (sent to <24 people who have Explain Everything licenses assigned but have not used them in 2024)
2024.04.29 Malwarebytes Error (sent to <100 users who received new Malwarebytes by mistake)
2024.03 2024.03 Adobe Licenses Reclamation
2023.12 URGENT ITS Software Update - Friday, Dec 15 - K1000 Client Upgrade (Windows Computers Only)
2023.11 Adobe Licenses Reclamation (students)
2023.09 macOS 14 (Sonoma) Upgrade + follow up
2023.07 Apple Devices and macOS updates
2023.07 K1000 (KBOX) Client Upgrade
2023.06 Student Adobe License Reclamation
2023.06 SPSS Activation Codes (sent to SPSS users only)
2023.04 macOS Auto Update settings and macOS/Windows updates
2023.03 Malwarebytes (just sent to people who appear to not have MWB installed)
2023.03 Student Adobe License Reclamation
2023.02/03 Several macOS update messages
2023.02 K2 KeyServer Client
2023.02 macOS 13 settings change (just sent to the 25 people who have macOS 13 already)
2022.09 Screenflow License Reactivation
2022.09 Microsoft Office Activation for Windows (sent to specific users whose machines were imaged while the Office KMS Activation Server was down.
2022.07 Student Adobe License Reclamation
2022.07 Zoom, K1000, Print Registry
2022.07 SPSS License Codes (sent to specific users)
2022.05 Adding your Carleton mac to Jamf (sent to specific users who have a mac that is NOT in Jamf but Has talked to the K1000 in the last 30 days)
2022.05 Keep Your Computer Running Smoothly
2022.04 Student Adobe License Reclamation
2022.04 Malwarebytes EDR
2022.02 Windows 10 21H2, macOS 12 updates
2021.12 Windows Print Driver
2021.11 Windows 2004 EOL
2021.11 Remove Jamf Macs from KACE
2021.10 Personalized k1000 to Jamf Messages
2021.10 New Operating Systems
2021.08 Jamf Pro for Shared Use Machines
2021.07.12 Adobe Licenses for Students
2021.07.08 Microsoft Emergency Patch Print Nightmare
2021.07 Windows 10 21H1, macOS 11 updates
2021.06.09 macOS 11 and Windows 10 21H1 Updates Available
2021.04.13 Jamf Pro for macOS, Windows 10 1803/1809 EOL
2021.01.12 Windows 10 20H2 Update, Carleton Zoom Requirements, Malwarebytes for macOS
2020.11.04 Expiring Adobe Acrobat Licenses (sent to 40 specific users)
2020.11.03 2020.07: Windows 10 (20H2) update
2020.09.25 macOS 10.16 Big Sur
2020.08 The Mac Package Utilities (TMPU)
2020.07 Adobe License Reclamation (Fac/Staff) based on usage
2020.07 Adobe License Reclamation (Emeriti)
2020.07 Explain Everything License Reclamation (Students)
2020.07 New SPSS License Codes and SPSS 27
2020.07 Windows 10 (2004)
2020.05 Spirion Update
2020.04 How to Update Zoom - Academic Software Available for Personal Computers
2020.03.10 K2 KeyServer Client Upgrade
2020.02.10 CrashPlan Maintenance Complete