Carleton purchased two licenses for PGM, and obtained a verbal agreement that this could be interpreted as two concurrent licenses. However, this is not metered in any way; the users made a verbal agreement with the publisher that they would "make sure not more than two people are using PGM at once". A limited number of people have been given the necessary full rights to the application directory, where the database is shared. These rights are currently controlled by the AD group called PGMUsers_gs. PGM users also have the right to the "CGA Manual" (Charitable Gift Annuities: The Complete Resource Manual).
This application is not for use in labs or classrooms, except for training in the ITS training room (CMC 011).
Citrix Availability
We have had a request (from a Mac user) to make PGM available in the Citrix environment. In December 2015, we are investigating whether this is technically possible. (Sande mentioned that it doesn't work under citrix. Verification needed.)SNissen investigated this and could not make it work (because of the mapped W: drive).
Installation Instructions
If the KBOX user portal item "PGM Help" doesn't make help available inside PGM, try this manual fix: copy the file pgmw32.chm from W:\Windows\PGM6 PGM to C:\windows\help. (Remember, to run PGM at all, you have to have APPS mapped to W:, which MapNetworkDrives.bat does for all users.)