- Login to The Hub and find the section labeled "Budgeting" - Click on "Budget Manager Reports"
- Run a report in "Detail" mode selecting budget criteria to display transaction activity with Accounts Payable postings (checks, e-checks, or wire transfers).
(click on the image to enlarge) - The resulting Detail Screen will display transactions posted to the General Ledger. Under the “Reference No” column find a transaction that begins with the letter ‘V’ (V = Voucher).
(click on the image to enlarge) - Any “Reference No” that begins with a ‘V’ is a hyperlink that, when clicked, will open a new browser window prompting you to login to OnBase using the following credentials:
Domain: ADS (this is pre-populated)
User Name: Your Carleton Network ID (You will note that even with caps lock off, all characters are forced to upper case, and this is expected)
Password: The password that corresponds with your Carleton Network ID
(click on the image to enlarge) - Upon successful login to OnBase, you will see the Invoice/Check Request corresponding to the Voucher Number you clicked on in Budget Manager Reports.
(click on the image to enlarge)