Be sure the RCA cables are connecting the VHS player to the white Sony DVD Recorder.
Power-up the VHS player, Insert tape and rewind.
Power-up DVD Recorder and insert blank DVD
Press play on the VHS player and then the Red Button on the DVD Recorder.
When the recording is complete, choose Finalize Disc.
- Test the DVD in both a computer and a DVD player to ensure it works correctly.
Importing into Final Cut Pro
- Unplug the RCA cables from the Sony DVD Recorder and plug them into the Canopus box if needed.
- Open up Final Cut and select Import > Media
- Under Devices (top left) in the import window, you should see Canopus
- Once you select it, press import in the window and then play on the VCR
- Wait. Hopefully it will work. However, you'll likely be going through some troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting / Alternatives
- This is a sign that it has DRM on it. Test it on the other recorder to be sure, if you get the same result, talk to Dan.
Canopus-related problems
- The import repeatedly stops and starts, generating a bunch of 1 or 2 second clips.
- This Tape is not going to work with the Canopus. If you haven't tried it with the Sony DVD Recorder, see The Long Way below.
Anchor The Long Way The Long Way