acute accent, pinyin 2nd tone | apostrophe, vowel | (e.g. á é í ó ú) |
grave accent, pinyin 4th tone | grave, vowel | (e.g. à è ì ò ù) |
c cedilla | apostrophe, c | (e.g. ç) |
macron accent, pinyin 1st tone | hyphen, vowel | (e.g. ā ē ī ō ū ) |
vowel with umlaut | double-quote, vowel | (e.g. ä ë ï ö ü ÿ) |
vowel with circumflex | shift+6, vowel | (e.g. â ê î ô û) |
pinyin 3rd tone | Shift + 5, vowel | (e.g. ǎ ě ǐ ǒ ǔ) |
ü with pinyin tones | Accent, double-quote | (e.g. ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ) |
letter with tilde | tilde, letter | (e.g. õ ñ ã) |
letter with dot below | shift+period, letter | (e.g. ạ ḅ ṇ ọ ẓ) |
letter with double acute | shift+; , o or u | (e.g. ő, ű, Ő, Ű) |
« | ctrl + alt + [ |
» | ctrl + alt + ] |
€ | ctrl + alt + 5 |
ß | ctrl + alt + s | *see note below |
ø | ctrl + alt + l alt+ l (in Office 2013) | *see note below |
¿ | ctrl + alt + / |
¡ | ctrl + alt + 1 | * see note below |
œ | Right alt + k |
- To type ß, disable the command called DocSplit
- To type ¡, disable the command called ApplyHeading1
- To type ø, use the keystroke alt+l (lowercase L). It is not necessary to disable any Word shortcuts for this.
Screen Shots of Layout
Below are screen shots of this keyboard layout. Dark gray keys signify dead keys.