If you have a document open and you want to put it into OnBase, you can use the Print button to import into OnBase. For example, perhaps you received an email that needs to be in OnBase. Rather than printing and scanning it, and rather than saving it to a file and importing it, you can send it right into OnBase with the File -> Print features of your software application. This is known as 'Virtual Printing'. Follow these instructions to get your document virtually printed into OnBase.
If your files exists on a drive (your computer, collab, etc) you can import it directly into OnBase by doing the following:
- Open OnBase
- Click on File
- Click on Import
- In the File Path area, click on Browse and find your file
- Choose the document type group that is appropriate
- Choose the appropriate document type
- The keywords need to be entered - never skip this step or your document will be lost forever! Many documents have an 'auto-fill keyword set' that allows you to enter an ID number and hit the Tab key, and some of the remaining fields will be filled in for you. Many documents also have a 'reverse lookup' where you can hit the Lookup button and
- When the keywords are filled in click on Import