Versions Compared


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  • OneCard for door access
  • Dry erase markers
  • Whiteboard erasers
  • Mac laptop dongles

The Space:

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The interactive classroom hosts two projection screens, eight individual monitors, eight tables fully equipped with connection cables, microphones for each table,  a main podium to control all interactive media, and three of the four walls double as white boards.

Getting Started:

1)    Turn on the computer. The Power button is located on the lower right-hand corner of the back of the monitor. Log in with your Carl ID and password.

2)    Touch the AMX panel to the left of the computer to activate it. The screen will be divided into two panels: "Projectors" and "Monitors." You may proceed to activate a variety of combinations:

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  1. To activate the projectors
    1. Select "Turn on" under "The projectors are turned off."
    2. The AMX panel will indicate when the projectors have loaded fully.  
    3. After the AMX panel indicates they have loaded you may select what media source you would like to appear on the screens.
  2. To activate the monitors 
    1. Select “Turn on” under “The monitors are turned off.” 
    2. The monitors will take roughly 30 seconds or more to boot.
    3. After they have loaded to a blue screen you may choose what media source you would like to appear on each screen.
  3. To activate both the projectors and the monitors
    1. Select both “Turn on” options


VGA #1, VGA #2, HDMI #1, HDMI #2, Disp. Port #1, Disp. Port #2, and Comp. Video

The Podium

Image Added     From right to left the podium is equipped with a small compartment of external cables, an AMX panel, and computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Beneath you will find the DVD player and plugs for more external AV hookup.         Image Added  At the podium you will find a small compartment box with four cables and an outlet. From right to left the cables are: Mini port (will connect to most Macs), VGA cable (will connect to all PCs and Macs--although Mac requires a dongle connector), an ethernet cable, and a mini jack that will connect external sound (ie: an iPod).

The Tables

Each table hosts its own monitor, microphone, selection panel, and connection cables. Image Added

Once you hook up your personal media device (computer, iPad, etc.) you can choose which source you would like to display onto the monitor. By pressing a different button you can switch from one source to another quickly and with ease.

Your options (see below) are as follows: VGA #1, VGA #2, HDMI #1, HDMI #2, Disp. Port #1, Disp. Port #2, and Comp. Video. Image Added

Table Cables:

Each table has RCA cables, 2 VGAs, 2 HDMIs, 2 mini display ports, and an audio device connection. All are labelled. Image Added
         Yellow: Video input/output

          Red: Right-channel audio

          White: Left-channel audio

VGA:Video Graphics Array Image Added

         Can connect computers, laptops, monitors, and projectors, among other things. PCs will connect directly; Macs need a connecting dongle.

          There are two available VGA cables at each table.

HDMI:High-Definition Multimedia Interface Image Added

         Can connect compatible digital audio devices, computer monitors, projectors, DVD players, camcorders, laptops, video game consoles, tablets, and phones.

          There are two available HDMI cables at each table.

Display Port: Mini Display Adapter

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       Whereas the HDMI cable is wider and more rectangular, the mini is a small square. It connects to Macs.
       There are two available mini display adapters at each table.

Composite Video: Comp. Video

This button will activate the RCA cable connection and the audio jack. Image Added (RCA cables)
Image Added (Audio Jack)

Classroom Lights via the AMX Panel
