Printer driver: Xerox Global Print Driver (X-GPD) PostScript
Current version on goprint.its.carleton.edu: 5.216.1200.0.0, dated June 26, 2011
Current version on print.ads.carleton.edu: 5.246.700.0.0, dated Dec 7 26, 2011
(32- and 64-bit, PCL6 and 5 versions available but PostScript works better with Adobe apps, )
Printer driver: HP Universal Printing Driver (HPUPD) PCL6
Current version on goprint.its.carleton.edu:, dated July 1, 2011
Current version on print.ads.carleton.edu:, dated Nov 29, 2011
(32- and 64-bit, PostScript and PCL5 versions available but HP printers use PostScript emulations that don't always work with Adobe apps, earliest LaserJet model supported is 4000, not 4, 5M)
Printer driver: Canon iR-ADV C5051 PostScript
Current version on goprint.its.carleton.edu:, dated April 21, 2011
Current version on print.ads.carleton.edu:, dated Jan 24, 2012
On all Canon MFDs, we are using the latest Canon PS (PS = PostScript) driver, with its ability to dynamically detect the printer's features using Bi-Directional communication (via SNMP). Therefore, first detect the current settings: on the Device Settings tab, choose the Get Device Status button at the bottom. You will see the immediate communication with the device; after you acknowledge the OK button, all the options on this tab will be up-to-date.