What is File Sharing?
The following is an overview of Carleton's general policy on file sharing. The article includes details on the Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) current methods of dealing with Copyright infringement.
Please select the following link for information on Carleton's procedures for handling all DMCA Notices.
Sharing Happens - but is it OK?
During the 2006-07 academic year, the RIAA sent approximately twenty-five notifications to members of the Carleton community to cease and desist sharing copyrighted music files. A further twenty-five or so notices were sent from similar organizations representing other industries (e.g. MPAA, BSA, ESA). Most people on campus have heard of file sharing and many even consider themselves expert file sharers. In light of recent moves by the RIAA, it is imperative that the community understands the college policy on file sharing and copyright infringement.
RIAA notices identify the intended recipients - the alleged infringers - by way of the IP address from which the material is being shared. The RIAA then sends the notifications to the service provider resonsible responsible for that IP address, in this case, Carleton College. It is then up to the college to reconcile the IP address with the student.
R Kevin Chapman
Student Computing Coordinator
kchapman@carleton.edu kchapman@carleton.edu
Sidebar: Little Known Facts About File
Those in our community who partake of this popular pastime may be interested in reading through the following section on little known facts about file sharing. This is not intended to discourage file sharing as such, but perhaps prompt a little reconsideration.
*File Sharing can impede network security and virus detection.
One of the easiest methods that IT departments have of identifying infected machines on the network is to look for machines that are constantly trying to establish large numbers of new connections. With so many file sharing applications trying to do the same thing, the water becomes significantly muddier and such infections are much more difficult to spot.
Useful Links Regarding File Sharing