- -A INPUT -p tcp -s -m tcp --dport 9102 -j ACCEPT
- -A INPUT -p udp -s -m udp --dport 9102 -j ACCEPT
... and an example for nftables (which is generally /etc/nftables.conf, but you can check by running systemctl status nftables):
- # BareOS (for systems on the ACAD network, in this case)
- ip saddr ct state new tcp dport 9102 counter accept
- ip saddr ct state new udp dport 9102 counter accept
This example is obviously for ACAD, substitute the appropriate IP or more permissive subnet mask as appropriate.
On Linux this is systemctl start bareos-fd.service and systemctl enable bareos-fd.service.
On Windows, start the service.
At this point if all the previous steps have been followed successfully you should be able to test. In bconsole you can enter status client=sol2-fd.
If the configuration is functional you should see a TLS handshake and some other status messages. If not, review your work.